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2013 School Supply Order Information

Picture of Leanne Lawson
2013 School Supply Order Information
by Leanne Lawson - Monday, 10 June 2013, 10:15 AM

It’s that time of year to start thinking about ordering your school supplies for next year. This year all ordering of school supplies will be done on line. Monk Office supply has teamed up with the ḰELSET PAC to provide the best possible price with the convenience of ordering from your own home. We will not be taking cash or cheques at the school this year.


Each grade has been given a basic package (Section A) price as well as a second category of optional supplies (Section B) that can be ordered if you do not have any from the previous year.


The order form for grades 4 and 5 are combined for the 2013/14 school year. There is still the basic package (Section A) and optional items (Section B) with an additional note of items that MAY be required by individual teachers based on placement in the new year. These items will have to be purchased separately by parents if required.


There are no order forms for the kindergarten classes as they tend to share all their supplies. Each individual kindergarten teacher will notify parents of what is required when the new school year commences.


To order, simply log on to the Monk website at There will be a specific password for each grade (except grade 4 and 5 are combined so only the one password whether entering grade 4 or 5). Purchase supplies for the grade your child will be going into in September 2013. Place your order and pay by credit card. If you are ordering for more than one grade, you will need to log in and use the password for each specific grade.


School supplies can be ordered on-line between June 5 - June 30, 2013. Orders will not be accepted after June 30th.


School supplies will be available for pick up the first week of school.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Stacey Fuller at <span style="color:#000099;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;"></span></span> or call 250-655-9297.

Thank you for supporting your ḰELSET PAC.

Order forms are attached.