
Bottle Drive a Success!

Picture of Leanne Lawson
Bottle Drive a Success!
by Leanne Lawson - Monday, 25 May 2015, 12:51 PM

We had our last bottle drive for the season on Saturday and it raised over $1100 for a total of just over $3000 raised through our Bottle Drives this school year.  These proceeds help support our PAC initiatives and we want to thank everyone for their support with the bottle drives, from volunteering to donating bottles.  We greatly appreciate your time and effort.  

Mr. Williams class won the pizza lunch for having the most bottles/cans at this Bottle Drive and Mrs. Fawkes' Class won the cookie treat for most volunteers!   Special thanks to Grace and her father for streamlining our process, making it far more efficient.  We look forward to using the new process next year.
