Front Page News

KELSET Kindness Day - Feb. 25th, 2015

Picture of Donna Collett
KELSET Kindness Day - Feb. 25th, 2015
by Donna Collett - Thursday, 19 February 2015, 1:25 PM

KELSET Kindness Day

February 25th


what you focus on expands

"Many traditional anti-bullying programs focus on the negative actions that cause anxiety in children. When kindness and compassion are taught instead, it fosters the positive behavior that's expected. Promoting its psychological opposite is key in reducing bullying to create warm and inclusive school environments.”

(From the article

What We Wear

KELSET students and staff are asked to wear KELSET colours of blue and green or KELSET clothing to show KELSET pride and support our beliefs which promote kindness.We wear ribbons of blue, green and pink.The touch of pink is to celebrate the power of the bystander.Two boys in Nova Scotia stepped in, bought and distributed pink shirts, and created awareness of the importance of bystanders at school.